These docs are for iSpy - See Agent DVR Docs for our new platform

General: Command Line Access

Command Line Access

Command line access is useful for interfacing iSpy with external triggers (like trip wires/ temperature sensors etc) and other running applications.

Before you start using command line access you will need to know the ID of the camera or microphone that you want to control. The ID is provide in the title bar of the "edit camera" or "edit microphone" control AFTER you have added it to the iSpy surface.

You can run these commands on alert by entering ispy.exe as the execute file field and then the command string as the argument field for example: commands "togglealertmode,2,4" (including quotes) (as of v5.5.0.0)

The command format follows the pattern "Command Text,Object Type ID (1 for microphones or 2 for cameras),ObjectID". The most common commands you will need are switching on and off cameras and microphones and triggering record:

Switching on a camera by command line:
ispy.exe commands "bringonline,2,0"
This will switch on a camera, with an ID of "0".

Switching off a camera by command line:
ispy.exe commands "takeoffline,2,0"
This will switch off a camera, with an ID of "0".

To control microphones, change the Type ID to a 1:
ispy.exe commands "bringonline,1,0"

You can switch all objects on or off using the commands:
ispy.exe commands "allon" OR ispy.exe commands "alloff"

You can enable record on detect/alert/off for all objects:
ispy.exe commands "recordondetecton" OR ispy.exe commands "recordonalerton" OR ispy.exe commands "recordingoff"

Or specific objects:
ispy.exe commands "recordondetecton,1,0" etc

You can enable alerts for all objects:
ispy.exe commands "alerton" OR ispy.exe commands "alertoff"

Or specific objects:
ispy.exe commands "alerton,1,0" etc

Recording a camera by command line:
ispy.exe commands "record,2,0"
This will record on a camera, with an ID of "0". Note that recording will also activate cameras.

Stop record:
ispy.exe commands "recordstop,2,0"
This will stop recording on a camera, with an ID of "0".

Record all:
ispy.exe commands "record"
This will record all objects.

ispy.exe commands "shutdown"
This will shutdown ispy.

ispy.exe commands "snapshot,2,0"
This will save a video still to the grabs directory of the selected camera.

Tilt Up a Kinect Device:
ispy.exe commands "kinect_tilt_up,2,0"
This will tilt the kinect device up (with an ID of "0").

Tilt Down a Kinect Device:
ispy.exe commands "kinect_tilt_down,2,0"
This will tilt the kinect device down (with an ID of "0").

Toggle the alert mode (movement/ no movement or sound/ no sound):
ispy.exe commands "togglealertmode,2,0"
Useful to receive alerts when movement or sound stops and then when it starts again.

Trigger the Plugin
ispy.exe commands "triggerplugin,2,0"
Triggers the associated plugin to process the next frame (only works when the alerts mode is set to trigger)

You can issue multiple commands at once using a pipe delimiter:
ispy.exe commands "takeoffline,2,0|bringonline,2,1|takeoffline,1,0"
- This will switch off the camera with ID 0, switch on the camera with ID 1 and switch off the microphone with ID 0.

You may also want to trigger recording from trip wires or other sensors. To do this you'd use:
ispy.exe commands "recordswitch,2,0" - to switch recording on or off for a camera with ID 0 (recording will continue until you send a command to stop it).

You may also want to trigger alerts from trip wires or other sensors. To do this you'd use:
ispy.exe commands "alert,2,0" - to trigger an alert for a camera with ID 0. Note that alert triggers only work when the camera alert type is set to movement detected or sound detected for a microphone.

Using groups in place of object IDs

You can also use group names in place of object ids for commands - for example to switch alerts on for a group called "office" you'd do:

ispy.exe commands "alerton,office|alertoff,home"

- this will switch alert mode on for all cameras and microphones with the group name "office" and off for all with the group name "home"

See http access for a full list of commands